Avoid Holiday Dangers Like a Pro! Holiday Tips and Recipes

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Here are tips on how to stay happy and healthy at holiday gatherings:


1. Step away from the food table

Want to avoid all those tempting, dangerous goodies? Walk away! Find a cozy spot away from the food or drink table, and ask your friends to join you, to catch up with you in another part of the room. Who knows, they may be looking for a way avoid temptation themselves!

2. Know when to walk away…

Sometimes, when we want to improve ourselves, the people closest to us can be the first to object to the change. Your loved ones may feel at odds with their own behavior or fearful of a change in your relationship with them. If you can, reassure them that you are still their friend, their family, niece, brother, sister, etc. But if their rhetoric is more than you can handle, walk away. Not in anger, but with the realization that they are working out their own issues. Just like you are working on yours.

If you like these tips & recipes, please feel free to share with your loved ones!

With Gratitude,

E4 Diabetes Solutions Team

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